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your like a trafic ticket, uve got F-I-N-E writtin all over u!

God made all creatures beautiful
He just spent a little more time on some of us!!!

-YoU CaN SaY I'm CrAzY -YeS ItS TrUe- I'm CrAzY BoUt OnE ThInG- AnD ThAtS YoU-

*WhEn TiMeS ArE HaRd aLL I dO Is CLoSe My EyEs AnD ThInK oF YoU*

Tell me now Tell me quick do you want me to be ur chick? 

First a Fire, Then a Flame; I'm a Chick No Man Can Tame

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..*Be Sexy...Be True...Be Wild...Be You*..

WeN i WaS yOuNgEr i pLaYeD wiT tOyZ...nOw DaT iM oLdEr i GoT mA bOyZ