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My Favorites

Favorite movie: Butterfly Effect
Favorite sport: Basketball
Favorite food: Sour Cream

Favorite artist: Eminem

Favorite Subject: Math

Favorite Person: ME!!!!

Favorite Friend (Girl): Ashley A. A.

Favorite Friend (Boy): Nick

Favorite Car: Lamborghini

Favorite Restaurant: Red Lobster

Favorite Actor: VinDiesle

Favorite Actress: Julia Styles

Most Admired

He has good lyrics, great rap beat, speaks his heart out, and tells the truth.
Fav. Quote: Sometimes u feel tired u feel weak When u feel weak u feel like u wanna just give up But u gotta search withen u find that inne strenghth And just take that out of you and get that motivation not to give up! -*Eminem*-


Name: Cassie Brescol

Age: 15

Birthday: April 27, 1989

Sex: Female

Hair color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Skin color: PALE

Heritage: POLISH

Student:  Freshman

I get my Edugamication @ Mason High School

My Baby Nick:  We may get in our little disagreements but remember i will always be there for and i will forever love you!  TTYL  Your girl always -*?~!CASSIE!~?-*
Leslie Anne:  I'm so happy your back!  Never leave me again u got it.  Or else take me to kentucky with you!  LOL!  Remember I love Nick u love ???? Peace!
Stephen:  Stupied damn candian who's mom wants 2 meet me!  Remeber express your feelings and i will too.
Adam: I miss you lots!  you need to come down and visit me or take to Hawaii with you.
If ur not in here and want 2 be just tell me!!!!

Want to get in touch? You can send me e-mail!  mailto:Cassikay33@yahoo.com